Friday, June 29, 2012

Getting Organised

I don't know about you, but I love to be organised, and my sewing "stuff" hasn't been for ages.

 A couple of months ago I became the proud owner of an iphone and have become addicted to apps. I can't even tell you what blog I found this on, but she was talking or should I say blogging about an app called Sewing Kit, I was intrigued. It's a great app for organising all your sewing things from patterns to fabrics as well as projects and people.

 There is a free version but you only get 5 entries in each catagory. The full version is $4.99 but I think it is definitely worth it, once I find the time to get organised.
the app is also able to be customised

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pencil Roll

On Sunday Maddy and I went to the Mummy Tree markets at Indooroopilly with some friends. We had a great day looking around all the stalls and seeing all the clever things people do. One stall had pencil rolls and Maddy gave me "the look" you know the one your kids give you when they want something. So being an avid blog reader I knew there was a lot of tutorials on making pencil rolls so i said we would make one, "When" was the next question. So today after a day trip to Redcliffe we got into it. We googled pencil rolls and found a great tutorial at sweetestpetunia, went through my scrap boxes and found co ordinating Tanya Whelan fabrics and got stuck into it. It didn't really take long only about an hour or so and my girl is thrilled!!!!!!

Pinning and stitching the pocket down, this tutorial the pencil pockets are big enough so the roll lies flat when the pencils are in.

The finished product, we just need to get a groovy button tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Back !!!!

After a long spell between drinks, or should I say posts I've decided to get back on the blog horse. So much has happened since my last post. The biggest thing though after 21 years, with the exception of time off for a baby and a brief career change ( knee jerk reaction to a marriage break down ), I left Gardams.I decided it was time for a change and an opportunity came knocking. My dear friend, Brisbane designer Paul Hunt was looking for an assistant as his was leaving and he rang just at the right time. After A LOT of thinking, tears and great advice from my nearest and dearest I took on the role, and I'm loving it!!!Sure there are times when things need to be done and it gets a little stressful but you get that in any job, but I still can't believe someone is paying me to sew all day, it's brilliant.
Now back to this blog business. I'm hoping this time to be more regular with posts and this in turn will make me do a lot more sewing as I have 2 much fabric!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have recently returned from 2 weeks holiday, and it's amazing how many new things can come into the shop while you're away.

I thought I'd show you our new diamante trims. They are gorgeous, perfect for adding something to a plain dress for a Christmas party or maybe a school formal. I personally would love to drape them all over my Christmas tree, but that would be a tad extravagant. wouldn't it ???!!!!

As I said," Everyone loves a bit of bling."
Happy Sewing
PS if you need to know any details or prices just let me know.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I know the title may sound a little odd, but I love to see my fabrics on the line pre washed and considering the weather we have had of late, it's lovely to see the sun out as well.This view also means I have a number of projects to get onto, and my number one is something to wear for my 40 th birthday party. I wasn't going to have one but with a little persuasion from my family I thought why not. The only problem I have is what to wear.
The floral is a cotton voile, perfect for a maxi dress I thought, pattern undecided, the check is a linen mesh and I thought I would do Vogue pattern 8581 and the black is an embroidered and cut out silk and cotton and I'm unsure of that pattern as well. I only have 2 weeks till my party, so I really need to get started. I'm feeling the silk/cotton may be the one, maybe in a simple dress but with the sleeves of Vogue 8392, which at the moment is my favourite pattern.
I'd better hop to it, hopefully I'll have some results soon.
Happy Sewing.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What's New

I know it's still 4 months away, actually that's not that far away, but Christmas is coming, and I don't know about you all but when I see something I think someone may like I grab it.

So for every sewer these are so cute you just have to have one.
Our sewing baskets come in 2 sizes, and both have the tray insert. I think they're great, a little more modern than the average sewing basket. Great for a gift or just to have one for yourself.
We have the baskets at our City and Indooroopilly stores.
Happy Sewing

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Have You Seen Valentino Yet?

This is the question we are constantly asked at work, and now I can happily say, " Yes!!!!!!!!! and it is FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!" Notice my use of exclamation marks, that is the only way to describe it.

I went on Wednesday with "technical" friend and co worker Michael. We had a great time looking as closely as we could without touching, which was very close as none of the gowns are behind glass.

My opinion of the exhibition, the man was a master, his designs, cut, use of fabrics ( a lot of silk faille) and finishes were superb. The only other thing that would have made it perfect was if we could have taken some of the gowns off the models and turned them inside out to see how they were sewn, but alas never going to happen.

So if you can get to Brisbane's Gallery of Modern Art do so you won't be disappointed, the exhibition goes until November 14th.

I'm off again on Tuesday with some girlfriends, just to look at the pretty dresses this time.

Happy Sewing